The summer season is in full swing, which means the temperature are rising! You’re probably running your air conditioner all day to keep cool like most people. This can be costly, especially if your AC isn’t running smoothly. In this blog post, we will discuss tips on keeping your AC running smoothly and preventing expensive repairs.

The importance of regular air conditioning service

  1. Air conditioning service is essential for your system’s overall health and efficiency. A well-maintained AC unit runs more smoothly and efficiently, which means you’ll save money on your monthly utility bills. Additionally, a properly serviced AC unit will last longer, so you won’t have to replace it often.
  2. AC service can help improve indoor air quality and reduce allergens. A dirty or clogged AC unit can circulate allergens and other pollutants throughout your home, which can cause respiratory problems for people with allergies or asthma. Regular air conditioning service can help remove these allergens from your air, improving your home’s air quality.
  3. A well-maintained AC unit uses less energy, saving you money on your monthly utility bills. A dirty or clogged AC unit has to work harder to cool your home, which means it will use more energy and cost you more money in the long run. Regular air conditioning service can help keep your AC unit running smoothly and efficiently, reducing energy costs.
  4. Scheduling regular AC service can help extend the life of your system and prevent costly repairs down the road. A well-maintained AC unit will last longer and require fewer repairs than one that isn’t serviced regularly. This can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to replace your AC unit often.
  5. Professional technicians have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix any issue with your AC unit quickly and efficiently. If you try to fix your AC unit yourself, you may end up causing more damage or even void your warranty.

How to keep your AC running smoothly

1. Clean the air conditioner filter every month

A clean filter will help your air conditioner run more efficiently, and it can also help to improve the quality of the air in your home. To clean the filter, remove it from the unit and rinse it with warm water. You should also check the manufacturer’s instructions to see if there are any special cleaning requirements. Once the filter is dry, you can put it back in place and turn on the unit.

2. Keep the area around your air conditioner clean and free of debris

A cluttered area around your air conditioner can prevent proper airflow and cause the unit to work harder than necessary. To avoid this, keep the site around your air conditioner clear of any leaves, grass, or other debris. It would help if you also trim any bushes or trees close to the unit so that they don’t block airflow.

3. Schedule annual maintenance for your air conditioner

According to KL1 Aircond, one of the best ways to keep your AC running smoothly is to have it serviced by a professional once a year. During a maintenance visit, a technician inspects the unit and cleans any needed parts. They will also lubricate moving parts and check for any signs of wear or damage. By scheduling annual maintenance, you can help to ensure that your AC unit runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

3. Keep the AC condenser coils clean

The coils on your air conditioner’s condenser unit are essential in cooling your home. Over time, these coils can become covered in dust and debris, which can reduce their efficiency. Remove the coils from the unit and brush away any dirt or debris to keep them clean. You may need to use a garden hose to rinse any stubborn build-up. Once the coils are clean, dry them thoroughly before putting them back in place.

4. Inspect the AC unit for leaks

Leaks can occur in any AC unit but are especially common in window units. If left unchecked, a leak can cause severe damage to your home’s electrical system. To inspect your unit for leaks, look for any wet spots on the exterior of the unit. If you see a leak, tighten all the screws on the unit to see if that stops the leak. You may need to replace the gasket or sealant around the unit’s perimeter if the leak persists.

5. Keep the unit clean by wiping down the exterior and interior

Cleaning your AC unit regularly can help prevent build-up and keep the unit running smoothly. To clean the surface of the unit, wipe it down with a damp cloth. You should also remove any leaves or other debris that may have been collected inside the unit. To clean the interior, use a vacuum attachment to remove any accumulated dust or dirt. Once you’re finished, dry the unit thoroughly before turning it on.

6. Replace the air conditioner filter every six months

You should replace the filter on your air conditioner every six months to ensure it runs efficiently. To do this, remove the old filter and insert a new one in its place. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to see what type of filter you need. Once you have replaced the filter, turn on the unit to see if it works properly.

Final Thought

Following these simple tips can help keep your AC unit running smoothly for years to come. Contact a professional for assistance if you have any concerns about your unit. And remember, regular maintenance is the key to keeping your AC unit in top condition. Schedule an aircond service puchong visit on today!